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The mission of HOPE Community Church is to glorify God by helping people to follow Christ Jesus together. Central to this vision is a deep love for our corporate gatherings. Our ability to meet again is determined, in part, by our governing authorities. The following guidelines will guide our services.

*Please note that these plans are subject to further development, and additional guidelines provided by our governing authorities.


Phase 2 Plans

We will continue to provide our online service platforms for those who may not be able to attend in person, or who are uncomfortable attending in person. No one should feel obligated to return to in-person worship before they are ready to do so.

The Governor of California has given places of worship guidelines and recommendations for reopening. Below are descriptions of what to expect based upon those guidelines.

*Please note that these plans are subject to further development, and additional guidelines provided by our governing authorities.

Follow this link to view the government guidelines:


Services and Registration

Participation Limits: Each service will be limited to 75% capacity. NO REGISTRATION NEEDED AT THIS TIME.


We will insist on not exceeding the stipulated capacity. This limit is to allow for social distancing guidelines to be met, and appropriate measures accomplished as people are entering and exiting the building.


Preparations and Other Elements

Check-in: Attendees may be required to check-in before entering the building. Temperature will be taken for every person attending the service and a signed disclosure form will be required.

Sanitizing: Before and after service we will sanitize chairs and bathrooms. There will also be hand sanitization stations.

Mask: Everyone in attendance will be required to wear a mask, unless on stage. Please bring your own mask. If you do not have one, we will provide a disposable mask.

Seating: All seating in the service will adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Special exceptions will be given to households who wish to sit together.

Offering: Online giving is strongly encouraged. At conclusion of service, an offering basket will be placed at exit door for those who would like to make their contributions at the service.

When to Stay at Home: If you have a fever or symptoms of COVID-19, known exposure to COVID-19 in the 14 days prior or are part of the vulnerable population (VP)*, please stay home.

Food Services: There will be no coffee or refreshments served.

If You Test Positive for COVID-19: If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 within 14 days after attending worship service, please notify the church office.

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